Saturday, May 22, 2010

the ice cream man

the ice cream man rides up to the boy standing eagerly by the roadside
his signature jingle playing over loudly i could hear it from the 8th
i imagine the man asks, "what would you like today son?"
"a chocolate flavoured one for myself and a strawberry one for my sis please"
the man smiles, pops open a little cover and reaches into the metal box
out comes two treats in wrappers, one brown and one pink, he holds it in front of him
the boy, eyes wide, gleefully moves closer with coins clenched warmly in his palm
the man drops the ice cream, snaps forward and grabs the boy by the wrist
with his left, he gagged the boy with a chemical laced white handkerchief
the boy struggles for a short moment before going limp, dropping the coins
the ice cream man scans around for witnesses before kicking open the bottom of the box
and swiftly pushes the boy into the secret compartment, then closes it
he scans around again, wipes his brow as he starts up his little vehicle
he putters away, innocent jingle playing, none the wiser, treats melt into the road
i wonder how long it would take before the repeating jingle drives someone mad...

1 comment:

  1. i actually wanted to write something about how i would imagine an ice cream man's job is like. and how his jingle is annoying but yet he has gotten used to it and how, if it was i in his shoes, would have gone bonkers. but then i had this grim thought, and so you have it. i hope you like it.
